YAJII - Yet Another Java IRC Implementation



For developers

What is YAJII?

YAJII (Yet Another Java IRC Implementation) is an IRC client and protocol implementation written entirely in Java. The goal is for YAJII to become powerful enough to be comparable to popular clients such as BitchX, ircII, and mIRC.

Being written in Java, YAJII will be runnable on many platforms - anyone that has a JDK 1.1 compatible Java Virtual Machine. This includes Linux, Solaris, OS/2, Windows and MacOS, among others. Note though that the fact that YAJII is written in Java does not mean that it needs a web browser to run. YAJII is not an applet commonly seen on web pages, but a complete stand-alone application (and API).

YAJII will support both a GUI and a text-based interface, for maximum compatibility with different environments. It is my intention to implement support for common terminals types so that YAJII can provide a good looking interface even in text mode. It is also my intention to make YAJII friendly to both command line freaks (such as myself :) and to those who prefer to click their way around an application.

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